CelebriTuesdays with LEEANN RIMES 

” How do I, go through a night without you…” is something LeeAnn Rimes has been wracking her brain trying to figure out for almost twenty years, but rest assured folks: it’s gonna be a whole lot easier now that I was able to help check off a goal from her bucket list. She finally met me and it changed her life! Or she met me and probably didn’t even notice, but is that really the point?

Normally, I’m a well-mannered stalker and wait out on the street with the other filthy animals, but once I saw her, I don’t know what came over me.  I went right inside the building and right over.  Why I felt it was ok to step it up a notch and be that rude isn’t the question – I could see the furtive glanced she was sending through the windows and it would have been wrong of me to deny this from her for even one moment longer…

No, that bald guy checking out her ass in the picture above is not me – but dat ass though! 

OK, back to reality – she was nice and really cool to stop and take a picture with me and actually has really soft shoulders (I bet she moisturizers). It took every fiber of my being not to shout out “how do I…” – which if you know me is difficult because I have very little impulse control; sort of like a kid with Tourette’s! At that moment, if you had listened closely, you could hear the imaginary orchestra in my twisted little mind cueing up the intro, just begging me to serenade her…

I helped fill make a life-long dream come true for LeeAnn Rimes – what did you do this week?